Thursday, June 30, 2011

365 days of aRt. DAY ONE HUNDRED & FIFTY-FOUR.

i glimpse the gypsy
that you see
the beauty for a moment
stands in front of me
i love the reflection
that looks back
so innocently
(canvas text)

Blog about the piece: "We live between the act of awakening and the act of surrender. Each morning we awaken to the light and the invitation to a new day in the world of time; each night we surrender to the dark to be taken to play in the world of dreams where time is no more. At birth we were awakened and emerged to become visible in the world. At death we will surrender again to the dark to become invisible. Awakening and surrender: they frame each day and each life; between them the journey where anything can happen, the beauty and the frailty." [from an excerpt by John O'Donohue]
Not often enough do we take the time to give recognition to ourselves. Instead of looking in the mirror and recognizing beauty, most of us recognize all the things that need to be fixed, tweaked, or covered up. Low self-esteem gets in the way of praise. But didn't you know that beauty is a free spirit? It can't be trapped within the grid of intentionality. I'm here to remind you that self-esteem is a choice. One day you will WAKE UP, and you will see yourself as intelligent, creative, charming, and beautiful as others view you. Awaken, and surrender.

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