Sunday, March 6, 2011


wake up and feel
wake up and be
don't make your way
we all have habits and beliefs
that tie us down
from being free
(canvas text)

Blog about the piece:
(submitted by guest blogger Scott Van de Vyver)
I assume I'm not the only person who struggles with staying productive amidst feelings of procrastination and satisfaction. We all are lazy to some degree. Do you get frustrated? Do you get feelings of guilt when you know you should be doing something more productive? I do.

I can put that off. I don't need to do that right now. Days become months become years. And it becomes painful to look in the mirror and delude myself into thinking I am trying my hardest.

The richest place in the world is the graveyard. So many dreams left to decompose with the bodies that once gave them life. Never to be realized.

I believe we all have something we are phenomenal at. Something the whole world needs to experience. Something that needs to be hunted with passion and dedication. It's our job to find it and excel at it.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein

I've learned to ease the tension of this internal battle between productivity and sloth by understanding and appreciating my imperfections. Finding what moves me enough to not distract myself with inconsequential business does not happen overnight. We all have egos we must feed by entertaining our senses in the present moment; that is certain. Is it virtuous to diminish this hunger? Am I just gorging on the present to avoid my future? Or is it ideal to live in the moment and not worry about ambition? I argue that once we find the thing that moves us into action effortlessly, we will not be haunted by this daily stress of underperformance.

In our pursuit of achievement, let the things that we want to do converge to become the things that we must do.

“I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.”
- Thomas Edison

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